Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Toddler Meals

I started this ever growing post back when Landon was a wee one. Now that Blair is starting to eat more solids and joining us in her high chair at mealtimes, I decided to pick this back up again. Of course not all meals are always this healthy and creative, and many nights we do chicken nuggets and pizza, and many morning we just do apples and bananas and cereal. But here are some more elaborate meals we enjoy around here:
Wearing course # 1, whole wheat spaghetti with homemade sauce. Course 2, kale chips (recipe)
quinoa, broccoli, evoo, salt & pepper, grated parmesan cheese
Greek yogurt, organic pumpkin flax granola, fresh blueberries
Scrambled eggs, tomato, avacado, garlic, onion, & parsley 
organic cheddar cheese & multi grain crackers
Lots of open faced & regular sandwiches. ^ whole wheat cracked bread with cream cheese, cucumbers, & scallions.  
whole wheat grain bread with peanut butter & plantains
always been a big fan of corn on the cob {buttered, not salted}
potato gnocchi, onion, tomato, evoo, salt & pepper, parmesan cheese, fresh basil
Quinoa, onions, corn, black beans, tomatos
lots of fresh fruit
avacado, cucumber, corn, tomato, scallions, swiss cheese, cilantro
whole wheat penne, organic tomato sauce & paste, chopped veggies (summer squash, green pepper, mushroom, & tomato), evoo, salt & pepper, & parsley
roasted pine nut hummus, carrots, green beans, honey wheat pretzels
whole wheat spaghetti, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, red onion, feta cheese, evoo, salt & pepper
spaghetti squash, red onion, corn, peas, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes, evoo, salt & pepper. This looks like a complete mish mash (because it was) but it was DE-lish. Suggestion - Add some fresh shredded parm
roasted garlic & olive oil cous cous with chopped zucchini, summer squash, & red onion
farfalle, grape tomatoes, spinach, onion, garlic, evoo, grated parmesan
 Van's whole wheat & gluten-free blueberry waffles with fresh blackberries, strawberries, & cinnamon
Homemade loaded mac 'n cheese: pasta shells, evoo, brocolli, grape tomatoes, green pepper, spinach, with fresh grated mozzarella & parmesan cheese
What Landon drinks and his supplements: probiotics (supposed to help with his eczema), freshly squeezed OJ, 2% organic milk, organic coconut oil (also to help with his eczema) & gummy vites to grow big & strong :)

Will be coming back here every so often to add updates. Some other staple snacks he enjoys include pirates booty, go-gurt, raisins, graham crackers, & his all time favorite guilty pleasure: goldfish


  1. Wow, what a good little eater! & you are such a great momma for fixing him all that great, healthy, YUMMY looking food! I wish I were better at that. My kiddos aren't so lucky. :)

  2. What a fantastic eater you have! :) xxx


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