Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Dainty Warrior.

One of the very first mama friends I ever made was a woman named Erica. I was living downtown and eager to make some new mama friends and I attended my very first mom's group outing with her and her daughter Ania. Ania was born just days apart from my little Landon, and we instantly clicked over being two young city moms with kids born so close in age. 
Over the past couple of months, her family has been faced with some extremely challenging news, they discovered that Ania developed a rare form of cancer, called Retinoblastoma, in her left eye. I've been following her journey over at her new blog dedicated to Ania's cancer, the Dainty Warrior. After many ups and downs and having undergone several rounds of chemo, they just found out that they have now reached a juncture where unfortunately the only remedy they have left to save her life is the removal of her eye. 
Erica has displayed such a strength beyond words, and her little Ania has been an unbelievable trooper through it all. As a way to cope with everything, she began painting some beautiful artwork, and has created so many adorable, bright and colorful pieces, you can check out in her Dainty Warrior Etsy shop. All the proceeds from her artwork are going towards Ania's medical bills and travel expenses associated with her cancer treatments and her upcoming procedure.
Feel free to also visit the family's GoFundMe page if you'd like to send a donation there instead or as well. Any amount you can give is deeply appreciated by their family, as are prayers, well wishes, love and virtual hugs.


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