Friday, February 28, 2014

15 Things I Want my Daughter to Know

My Dearest Baby Blair,

Having a daughter in today's world is terrifying. I know you are just a baby right now, but I think about you growing up in these times and I can literally feel my stomach tie in a knot. I know there are a lot of things in life that will challenge you, a lot of things that will bring you tears, pain, sadness and confusion. As a mommy I want to always protect you from hurt...I wish I could just swoop in and wrap you up in your little blanket and hold you close and rock you to sleep in my arms forever. But of course that will never be able to happen, and the only way for you to fully experience life is for me to let you, and let you freely. Of course with that freedom there will be pain and confusion and hurt and many lessons learned. There are so many things I want to want you to know as you grow up into a girl and into a young woman and face the world. That there are so many values I deeply hope that your father and I do a good job of instilling in you. And although these are overflowing, here are some of the most important things I want you to know.

1. You are capable of anything you want to do and put your mind to.

2. Trust your gut and that feeling deep in your subconscious. Your instincts will never fail you. 
3. Trust yourself - you are strong enough, smart enough, and brave enough. 
4. Life is meant be lived, not planned. God's plan will always trump yours. But don't worry, it will be much bigger & better than you imagine.
5. You are so beautiful, without makeup, without the latest fashion trends, without changing yourself. Your body is sacred and an important gift that God gave to you, always protect it and treat it well.
6. You do not have to define yourself by a profession.
7. Sometimes the truth will hurt, but it is always better than a lie.
8. Giving always feels better than receiving.
9. You are a gift to the world. Your passions will make a difference. Your story matters.
10. You can always come home.
11. True love will make you a better person. 
12. There is nothing that is worth having that comes without hard work. If it was easy, everyone would do it and everyone would have it. It's the best things in life that are the hardest. Hang in there & never give up on your dreams!
13. Share what you have, and give freely. Everything is better with someone to share it with.
14. Your life is only what YOU make it. Make it a great one.
15. I love you more fiercely, more deeply and more unconditionally than you will ever know. No matter how far you roam or how different we become, I will always, always be on your team.

Love always,

Your mumma.

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