Thursday, November 1, 2012

trick or treat! slim shady style

This was our first year taking L trick-or-treating and it was honestly the best Halloween of my life. He got the hang of it right away and had a blast ringing all the doorbells and collecting candy in his little pumpkin bucket. Our costumes were random with no family theme -- I was a ninja turtle, Chris a football player, and probably the last time I got to decide on Landon's costume as Slim Shady. But I have to say he pulled off a mini Marshall Mathers pretty damn well :)

Hope everyone else had a happy, spooky, scary & safe Halloween!!


  1. haha awww i love Landon's costume, hilarious!

  2. Ahhhhh, I love Landon's costume! Trick or Treating is so much fun... I was so happy when Leila was old enough to go (last year). It's so much fun to live vicariously through them. :)

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