Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Scrambled Egg Muffins

With the start if the New Year, I decided to make a conscious effort to eat breakfast every morning. I needed some super quick and preferably healthy ideas, as morning time - getting the kids up, fed, and out the door - is always a time crunch.
Most mornings I've been doing plain oatmeal with fresh blueberries, Blair does a banana and/or yogurt, and Landon cereal with almond milk. Lately Landon has been asking me for muffins for breakfast. Thinking about all those grams of sugar and heavy carbs, I decided to try out these scrambled egg muffins instead - basically scrambled eggs baked with whatever other veggies in cupcake pans. A great source of protein and veggies to keep him powered through school physically and mentally until he gets home for lunch. They are basically mini quiches without the pie crust, perfect for quick or on-the-go breakfasts. 

Recipe below yields about 12-14 'muffins'. Prep time 5 minutes. Cook time 20/25 minutes.

What You'll Need:
- 1 dozen eggs
-  your choice of chopped veggies - I made this batch with a few handfuls of (chopped) spinach, 1 onion, and about 6-8 chopped broccoli florets, but you can really throw in whatever veggies you want - peppers, mushrooms, or if you are a meat eater, you can some crumbled sausage or diced ham. 
- about a tablespoon of minced garlic (or 1 tsp garlic powder)
- Optional dash of salt and fresh grated Parmesan cheese

1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Line muffin pans with paper liners or spray with a non-cook cooking or olive oil spray.
3. Whisk the eggs, and then add in your chopped veggies, garlic, salt and cheese and combine.
4. Spoon or pour out batter into the cups, about half way full.
5. Bake for 25 minutes until edges are lightly browned.
6. Let cool and enjoy! Keep remainders refrigerated and microwave on high for 30 seconds the next morning :)


  1. This is so cute!!! How many muffins do you think just 2 eggs would make? Wondering for dieting purposes what the calories would be! Normally I'm allowed 2 eggs with any veggies for an omlette!


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