Friday, May 9, 2014

GIVEAWAY! Natural Amber Teething Necklace

I received this Amber teething necklace when I was pregnant, and definitely didn't think I'd need to use it as soon as I did - but at 4 months old little Blair Bear had started to teethe. I began using her Teething Necklace and love it. I initially thought she was supposed to chew on it to relieve her discomfort, but discovered that she is only supposed to wear it, which left me very confused and skeptical about it, but I noticed that she isn't nearly as fussy and is much more calm when she's wearing it. As a big proponent of natural health & healing (especially for little ones) I researched more about baltic amber and its healing properties along with reviews from other mothers who used it as a teething remedy.
I learned that baltic amber has been used for centuries for teething and is renowned for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties, which is how it can be helpful for soothing red inflamed cheeks and gums. In addition to helping reduce pain, drooling (for which amber is said to work by stimulating the thyroid glands) and irritability that is often associated with teething, amber beads have also been claimed to relieve eczema, speed up wound healing and stave off ear and throat inflammation, amongst many other ailments. The effects come from the beads merely touching the skin -- When a baby wear the necklace, the natural temperature of her skin warms the amber cortex (the external layer of the stone), which releases succinic acid, which is absorbed throught the skin into the bloodstream, which provides the pain relief. I love it.
I love learning about this stuff and using all-natural, non-invasive, side-effect free, & effective remedies, so I'm thrilled to have learned about these Baltic Amber Necklaces and I'm so excited to be offering one lucky mama a chance to win one of these for themselves :)

All You Need To Do:
1. Leave a comment on this post, telling me which teething necklace you would choose if you win.
To Gain Additional Entries:
1. Share a link to this post on facebook & tell your friends about it!
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*Please leave a separate comment on this blog post for each additional entry, letting me know your Facebook and Twitter name if applicable, and be sure to leave your email address on each comment so I know how to contact you if you're the lucky winner! Good Luck!

Giveaway will run for 3 weeks from today and will officially close at 9:00am cst on 5/30/14.


  1. I love multicolored amber teething necklace , I bought amber teething anklet, I hope it help for my little baby

  2. i would choose Multicolor Baroque Beads Amber Teething Necklace.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

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