Tuesday, December 10, 2013

DIY Salt Dough Christmas Ornaments :)

I haven't been wanting to leave our warm toasty house in this brutal, brutal cold front we've been having, esp with a newb + tot in tow, so I'm planning our week of hibernation with a bunch of different Christmas crafts to keep my busy little guy occupied. I'll be posting them up on the blog as I go but first am sharing a repost of these DIY salt dough Christmas ornaments. This was originally published last November and quickly became the most re-pinned image from my blog so I'm throwing it up here again for anyone who missed it, or anyone who maybe didn't have kids or kids old enough to do this with last year. This batch yields a ton of ornaments (about 25-30, depending on the size of your cookie cutters) so I have a few hung up on our tree and then gifted most of the rest out to L's friends & relatives. Cause we're all about home-made gifts with love :)

Here's What You'll Need:
- ½ cup salt
- 1 cup flour
- ½ cup water
- Rolling pin
- Cookie sheet
- Toothpick
- Miniature cookie cutters: stars, Christmas tree, hearts, whatever your heart desires. We also made baby elephants.
- Acrylic paints: Whatever colors you want your ornaments to be
- Glitter glue or glitter paint (optional)
- ribbon


1. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F.
2. Mix together, salt, flour, and water until dough is formed.
3. Knead the dough on a floured surface until the mixture is elastic and smooth. If dough is too sticky, sprinkle with flour, continue to do so until stickiness is gone. Do not add too much flour, this will dry out the dough and will cause it to crack before you get a chance to bake it.
4. Roll out the dough to about ¼'' thick with a rolling pin that has been dusted with flour.
5. Use cookie cutters to cut out your ornaments.
6. Use a toothpick to make a hole toward the top of the shape. Poke the toothpick into the shape, then holding toothpick straight up and down, make a circular motion as if you were stirring something.
7. Place all shapes onto an ungreased cookie sheet and place into the preheated oven.
8. Bake for 2 hours.
9. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely.
10. Paint!
*Tip: Use the handle end of the paint brush to paint dot ornaments on your trees.
*Optional: When paint is dry, use glitter glue or glitter paint to put a sparkling cover coat on your ornaments.
11. When dry, thread ribbon through hole and tie in a knot in the back.
Happy Christmas Crafting! :)

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